- We are Litigation Funding for your law office and those who have a viable claim but lack funds to litigate. We finance all legal claims, bringing deserved justice with financial benefits.
- We enable individuals, legal entities, lawyers, law firms, associations, organizations, and institutions to become their own digital asset or own a portion of a profitable group of legal cases that are digitized through smart contracts, NFT's.
- We create the digital asset derived from each selected participant comprised of potentially winnable legal cases into a liquid NFT, smart contract, or token via ERC20 and NFT (ERC1155). Notice that they are not securities transactions but asset sales of digital assets rather than physical ones . All underlying cases must have a need for funding, do not disclose its core privacy or privileged contents, AND has a potential opportunity. Even if the underlying cases do not need funding, a decentralized asset as a law firm or legal case shall be transformed into a performance-based asset available to anyone in limited districts, and pending clarification of others. Our platform shall be used alternately to traditional litigation funding, is protected speech under the First Amendment to the U.S. CONST., with appropriate waivers and agreement approaches tailored to a need for profitable litigation liquidity.
- Traditional litigation funding is narrow in scope and costs money. Typically, only tailored to personal injury cases, cherry picked open and shut matters or large class actions, uneven the playing field for regular everyday litigators, First Amendment exercises, small businesses, and lawyers. This platform's tokenization of smart contracts for separate legal assets any legal entity, lawyer, law firm, legal, aid, public or private legal organization, or individual to access funding using decentralized alternative customizable tokens and NFTs as smart contracts. These are recorded on the blockchain thereby revolutionizing litigation funding and creating a profitable powerhouse. A litigation funder does not need to file any legal documentation with any bar association. The provided documents do not indicate any requirement for litigation funders to file documentation with bar associations. The statutes and case law reviewed focus on the roles and responsibilities of attorneys and the discoverability of litigation funding agreements, but do not mention any filing requirements with bar associations for litigation funders § 2996f. Grants and contracts, § 3006A. Adequate representation of defendants, USCS Ct App 3rd Cir, L.A.R. 46.0, Attorneys, 3rd Eye Surveillance, LLC v. United States, 158 Fed. Cl. 216, Simpson & Creasy, P.C. v. Cont'l Cas. Co., 770 F. Supp. 2d 1351, Murphy v. Schaible, 722 F. Supp. 3d 1191.
- Funds4Justice customize any individual or group civil cases that lack funding for costs or enable performance-based assets of groups of cases law offices in different jurisdictions using and smart contracts, all in one platform.
- Our platform is not a securities investment. Each promoter, affiliate, staff, or networker, creates and owns each asset that is minted and connected within an exchange network. While each smart contract is an individual asset representing of the underlying legal case(s) outcome, the platform, nor members rely on its specific performance to benefit its economic purpose. Rather, its unique design presents a structure decentralized from the Howey Test as such. (1.) when a case needs funding, it is listed as an NFT or tokenized smart contract that is an individual or non-business entity owned, " a statutory trust," that its sole purpose is to hold an asset of another, is not filed by promulgating a document with any Secretary of states- as a "reporting company" determined by FINCEN- and can be promoted by any ANONYMOUS user. (2.) have no contractual obligation to one another (on its face), (3.) HAVE NO COMMITMENT TO EACH OTHER- that is representing the buyer from the sellers motives. Rather, each digital asset is a self proclaimed winner or loser, and hold no obligation to any law office itself.
- Law office for growth or expansion represents a securities challange that is solved.
Here, we tokenize all meritorious cases that lack funds into a group. We also group cases that have funding but can share in the settlement or award in exchange for the asset increase in value THROUGH PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES ON ALL Major EXCHANGES. It is important to remember that our platform will not allow a particular case to promote itself, but rather a group of cases together. When a case becomes final, and all funds from the underlying case, held in a seperate statutory trust, are distributed to the victims, plaintiff, or defense through their participating law firms, and depending on arrangements with law office another case will take its place to offset any imbalance. Market risk is always relevant, and some restrictions apply to insiders.
Funds4Justice will advocate for expansion of traditional funding vehicles from various states by using our decentralized platform. Traditional litigation funding approaches are tailored typically to personal injury cases or large class action cases, which uneven the playing field for regular everyday litigators, small businesses or lawyers. This platforms' tokenization of customizable smart contracts allows any legal entity, lawyer, law firm, legal service, legal-aid, public or private legal organization or individual, to access funding using decentralized alternative customizable tokens, NFTs as smart contracts, that are recorded on the blockchain thereby revolutionizing litigation funding as we know it.
Without our platform, traditional methods offer no advantage to the average legal situation. Under the Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution, criminal defendants are afforded a right to counsel after qualifying under forma pauperis. Oftentimes, this leaves public defender offices, or appointed counsels over worked, underpaid, and with a staggering ever growing number of cases to handle. This civic duty should be rewarded and not burdensome. Due to the lack of funding, appointed counselors become targets of ineffective counsel actions derived from a lack of funding resources, delegation of time due to a heavy case load, that may limit effective representation. As of now, there is no system that affords any meritorious action as a civil matter, means for appointed legal representation due to a lack of funding from both ends.
Funds4justice can provide an alternative way to assist in all areas of any civil case in need of funding. Funds4Justice is not limited to any funding criteria. Even appointed counselors, defenders, legal aid society's, charitable organizations, law firms, sole litigators or self-represented pro-se litigants, may access liquidity without divulging privileged communications, but consistent with state, federal and local laws, bar associations, rules of procedure, courts of administrations, policies or procedures of licensing authorities. If there is any doubt, check it out and learn before you dismiss it's substantive force.
Traditional litigation funding methods involve only a narrow criterion of legal cases, cherry picked oftentimes monolithic class actions, or even in rare instances of a national security threat, based on filing intentional legal actions of adversarial countries with enterprise competitors, supported by multilayered off and then onshore banks, pursuing a tactical advantage over business. This current system is being supported by Wall Street hedge funds and their lawyers to influence the outcome of a multi-billion-dollar class action against a competitor. This traditional method of litigation funding involves multilayered financial institutions to access the securities market that limit ownership criteria instead of allowing everyone equal access. Our platform allows a path for alternative litigation funding meant to even the unfair advantage in a staggering number of ways.
They are:
(1.) those who cannot pay legal costs but have a meritorious case,
(2.) contingency law firms looking for funding without having to forego a substantial portion of their profits to hedge funds or expensive traditional litigant funders, (3.) law firms, lawyers, solo practitioners' alterative expense related funding that encompasses market risk with upside potential, (4.) IOLA programs in all 50 states that are desperately in need of less costly funding consistent with its current criteria, (5.) charitable organizations that rely on donations, but could use alternative resources, (6.) creates a customizable marketplace exchange for promoting fairness,
(7.) digitizes a single or group of legal cases with anyone who has a merit-based qualified case, (8.) widens the accessibility gap to fair and equal justice, (9.) opens a path for potential legal victory allowing participants to promote their smart contracts, or NFTs through social media without running afoul of impropriety, privileged communications, (10.) digitizes law firm case load in need of funding, (11.) creates customizable performance based options for lawyers, law firms, advocates, or self-proclaimed legal eagles to promote their success or needs consistent with ABA Rules of Conduct, (12.) provides marketability for any legal need, (13.) can aid law students with law school bills, (14.) law schools can use Funds4Justice as an alternative method of qualifying students for funding, (15.) any legal related entity can use Funds4justice tokenization platform as an alternative method for financing, promotion, digitization of any legal cause.
These ananymous statutory trusts ownership concepts do not impinge on case privacy but ensure equal fair practice, practice First Amendment protected speech and connect members with access to liquidity for everyone regardless of the size of their firm, case, business, dispute, arbitration, matter or action. If you find yourself lacking funds to pay any type of litigation, regardless of your circumstances, Funds4Justice is your only solution.